Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Update and 13 Weeks

So I have failed at posting pictures of our trip, and updating you on our doctors appointment and hearing the heartbeat. I don't suppose it's a good enough excuse that I have been sick for 17 days now?

The day of our doctor's appointment was the climax of the flu that I got, so I had a fever and felt like.. well.. poo during the appointment. We got to hear the heartbeat, but it's not really that exciting when you're focusing on not throwing up on the nice doctor. (according to Luke it was really amazing to hear the heartbeat.. I will let you know after my NEXT appointment, when hopefully I will be feeling better)

My fever broke that night, but that just led into getting this coughy, throat, cold thing the next day. So I went a few weeks without sleeping because I was up all night coughing. and I spent all day coughing so hard that I couldn't keep food down. After about a week and a half of this I decided I should probably go see a doctor, since I pretty sure it's not good on the baby to be without nutrients or sleep for that long.

After seeing the doctor things started to get better, but I still don't feel GOOD.

It's been a fun few weeks :-)

Bitty B has grown from a lime to a peach (I like peaches better anyway) and we're now only 5 weeks away from getting to find out if the room will be pink or blue (I'm not actually sure that we will do pink OR blue.. but it got the point across) It will also be nice to get some clothes in the nursery closet that aren't unisex. If it takes much longer than 5 weeks we aren't going to have any room for gender-specific clothing.. the closet is already half full :-/ (Carter's had a GREAT sale).

Good times.


Anonymous said...


I vote...PINK.
Can you make that happen please?
K thanks.

-- Steph

Lindsay said...

I just got so excited for you!!!! I told Luke the other night that I bet the baby will be born on mine and Nicolette's birthday - August 23rd. The best day to be born ever!

nicolettebw said...

you heard the heartbeat. and didn't even call me. I'm pissed.

Anonymous said...

hey wait a minute, last time i talked to you, you didn't want to know the sex. i knew you would cave! i knew it!